Welcome to our website!
We serve Al-Anon members in Northern California Districts 6 - 10. Our districts serve the following counties: Amador, El Dorado, parts of Napa, Nevada, Placer, Sacramento, Sierra, Solano, and Yolo.
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Alateen Holiday Gift Exchange

The first Alateen Holiday gift exchange and speaker meeting will take place on Saturday, December 2 from 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm. This is a great event for kids 9 to 19, but please bring the whole family for holiday fun and to learn more about how Alateen helps kids living with alcoholism in a relative or friend. This event is free and includes food, fellowship and fun with other teens and adult Al-Anon members. The gift exchange is limited to $10. Please wrap the gift before the event. 

If desired, bring a dish to share. Pizza and drinks will be provided. Cookie decorating will also be available. 

When: Saturday, December 2, 2023 5:00 - 7:00 pm
Where: Lyman Leak Youth Center, 1203 Gabrielli Dr, Roseville, CA

See the flyer for details.