Welcome to our website!
We serve Al-Anon members in Northern California Districts 6 - 10. Our districts serve the following counties: Amador, El Dorado, parts of Napa, Nevada, Placer, Sacramento, Sierra, Solano, and Yolo.
(Select your preferred language in the right column.) (Puede seleccionar el espaƱol en la columna de la derecha.)

Experience , Strength and Hope Meeting open Christmas and NY Day

Al-Anon members, 

Please be aware the Experience , Strength and Hope meeting on Sundays from 4:00 - 5:00 pm will meet this weekend and next. This meeting is hosted at the American River Alano Club located at 9346 Greenback Lane in Orangevale. 

New Al-Anon for Parents and Grandparents Meeting

Please note there is a new Al-Anon Family Group for parents and grandparents in Shingle Springs at noon on Tuesdays. This meeting officially starts Tuesday, December 6, 2022. This is a one hour meeting. 

Discovery Hills Evangelical Church
4270 Shingle Springs Rd
Shingle Springs, CA 95682
Room 8 - Front Parking Lot

Meeting Closure this week

On account of a church service, the Rocklin Reaching Out AFG meeting has been cancelled on Thursday, December 8th at 7 pm. It will resume again on Thursday, December 15th

AIS D6-10 Bookstore Holiday hours

AIS D6-10 Bookstore Holiday Hours
11/20 -11/26 Thanksgiving week CLOSED 

11/30-12/1 Open Wed and Thursday 10-2
12/7-12/8 Open Wed and Thursday 10-2
12/14-12/15 Open Wed and Thursday 10-2

12/16-1/3/2023 CLOSED For Holidays and Inventory

Regular Bookstore hours resume on January 4, 2023.
Wednesdays and Thursdays 10am - 2pmDonn

Happy Holidays from the AIS Office


Reminder: D9 Forgiveness Workshop this weekend

District 9 is hosting a free workshop on Saturday, November 12 from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. This event is both in-person and hosted on Zoom Video platform. There will be free food at the in-person location. 

When: Saturday, November 12 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Where: Light of The Hills Church, Education Building, 3100 Rodeo Rd., Cameron Park
Zoom ID: 814 5920 2108
Zoom passcode: D9rocks!

This information flyer has the details. 

Auburn Gold Rush Speaker Meeting: Monday, November 14

The monthly Auburn Gold Rush speaker meeting will be hosted on Monday, November 14th at 7:00 pm Pacific Time. Come join this virtual group for a fabulous meeting with fun, fellowship, and recovery in action. This month's speaker is Rick J from Canada.

Flyer can be found here. The Zoom id is 659 316 3164 and the password is auburn. 

Registration now open! Al-Anon International Convention 2023

The International Convention Committee is excited to announce that registration for the 2023 Al‑Anon International Convention opened Tuesday, November 8, 2022! This event will be held in Albuquerque, New Mexico next June 29 - July 2, 2023. This is an Al-Anon and AA program event. 
While it is possible to register safely and securely using a smart device (smartphone or tablet), the user experience is not optimal. So, for best results, we recommend using a laptop/desktop computer. We ask that you share this with other members.
The registration fees are as follows:
  • Prior to January 11, 2023–$175
  • Prior to May 10, 2023–$200
  • After May 10, 2023–$225
This registration includes access to the following events: 
  • The Party in the Plaza (Thursday night)
  • International Big Meeting, including the Language of Love Parade (Friday morning)
  • Family Big Meeting (Saturday night)
  • Spiritual Big Meeting (Sunday morning)
  • Your choice of many sessions throughout the event
Available add‑ons, for additional fee:
  • Day of Connecting (All day Thursday), Speakers and workshops celebrating service, the third leg in our recovery–$55 includes lunch.
  • Trailblazer’s Breakfast on Route 66 (Saturday morning), a Speaker meeting celebrating Trailblazers throughout Al‑Anon’s history including those still trailblazing today–$75 includes breakfast.
Al‑Anon Room Block
  • The Al‑Anon program will be held at the Convention Center, with one evening session occurring at the connected DoubleTree hotel.
  • The A.A. program will be held in The Clyde hotel directly across the corner from the Convention Center.
  • Al‑Anon has negotiated reasonable room rates that are dependent on members reserving housing through the International Convention Housing Room Block, this helps the registration fee remain as low as possible.
  • The room rates range from $124 to $189 a night.
  • Reserve your hotel room early to be close to all the action.
Register Now!

Friday Morning Renewal Holiday note

Please be aware the Friday Morning Renewal hybrid meeting at Carmichael Presbyterian Church at 10:00 am will not meeting in person on the following upcoming Fridays due to church meeting rooms closure:

Friday, November 11 - Veteran's Day
Friday, November 25 - Day After Thanksgiving
Friday, December 23 and Friday, December 30 - Christmas Holidays

The meeting on Zoom will still open for members to attend remotely. The Zoom log-in id is 188 630 977, pwd ODAT for those who wish to join. The meeting does meet on holidays but since the church is closed there will be no in-person meeting hosted. 

Sunset No-Al Club (Gibbons) unavailable temporarily

Hello Al-Anon members, 

Please be aware the Sunset No-Al Club, a.k.a. Gibbons, location on Gibbons Dr. in Carmichael is temporarily unavailable and will not host in-person meetings for some time. Continue to watch here for an update and check the meeting schedule for status change. 

Julie M - Web Coordinator

REVIEW: Meetings Open on Holidays

Hello Al-Anon representatives and members, 

With the holidays underway it's important for newcomers to know if meetings are held on holidays. The temporary meeting schedule I maintain on our website has a column to indicate whether meetings are hosted on holidays. The indicators are helpful year-round but the holidays can be a particularly stressful time for the loved ones of alcoholics. 

Please review the meetings you attend, meetings that are in your district, or meetings you represent for accuracy of the holiday indicator. Y in green font means yes, the meeting is open on holidays. N in red font means no, the meeting is not open on holidays. 

Email the website email account ( and I will make the changes.

>>>Let It Begin With Me<<<

Regards in service, 

​Julie M.

Website Coordinator

Sacramento Al-Anon Information Svc.

New Parent's Serenity Al-Anon Family Group

District 9 will open a new parent-focused Al-Anon meeting starting on Tuesday, December 6, 2022. The meeting will be in person at noon at the Discovery Hills Church, 4270 Shingle Springs Drive in Shingle Springs. The room is located in the CE Building #8 and visitors should park in the front parking lot. 

Southeast Roseville 47th Anniversary Party

On Sunday November 13, an anniversary party celebrating the union of AA and Al-Anon meetings hosted at Roseville Seventh-Day Adventist Church, 914 Cirby Way, Roseville will be held. The event will include an in-person speaker meeting with potluck dessert and a prize drawing. 

The event kicks off at 6:00 p.m. with dessert potluck and fellowship followed by speakers at 7:00 then the 50/50 cash prize. 

The Al-Anon speakers are Marijo & Bill B. The AA speaker is Amy F.

Come out to help Southeast Roseville celebrate this fun event! Flyer has the details. 

Al-Anon Workshop Saturday Nov 12: Tools for Forgiveness

District 9 is hosting a free workshop on Saturday, November 12 from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. This event is both in-person and hosted on Zoom Video platform. There will be free food at the in-person location. 

When: Saturday, November 12 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Where: Light of The Hills Church, Education Building, 3100 Rodeo Rd., Cameron Park
Zoom ID: 814 5920 2108
Zoom passcode: D9rocks!

This information flyer has the details. 

October Al-Anon Assembly

The October Al-Anon Assembly is Friday, October 28 and Saturday, October 29, 2022 at the San Ramon Marriott in San Ramon, CA (Contra Costa County). The NCWSC has contracted with Marriot to block 100 rooms for participating members. To avoid penalties associated with the contract, 80% usage rate is required. As of end of September, the rate is 50% for Friday night and 57% for Saturday night. 

Funding is available to assist Group Reps who wish to attend this exciting event. See the flyer link below. Reservations are required by Friday, October 7th. 

The Northern California World Service Area Committee, comprised of Area Officers, current and past Delegates, Area Coordinators and their Alternates, and District Representatives and their Alternates, holds Al-Anon business meetings called assemblies twice annually. This is where decisions about Al-Anon are made. Group Reps and alternatives are welcome, too. 

More information can be found in the flyer and by contacting the interim chairperson, Rosanna H at or (510) 209-2832.

NCWSA Diversity Day 10/8/22

Mark your calendars!! Northern California World Service Area is hosting their annual Diversity Day event on October 8. This virtual event will host panelist, workshops, and speakers sharing information and experience, strength, and hope regarding diversity topics. 

District 7's very own Gerald C. will serve on a panel for the event. 

For more information see the attached flyer here. You may also contact Grant W. at to serve at this event or with questions. 

Registration opens at 9:30, speakers wrap up at 5:45. 

Zoom ID: 851 6338 8651 passcode: 656443

The Forum newsletter submissions until 9/12

The Forum newsletter is still looking for Al-Anon member submissions. It was mentioned in the August update which literature sharings are needed for future "CAL Corner" articles in The Forum by no later than September 12: Intimacy in Alcoholic Relationships (B-33) From Survival to Recovery (B-21) Lois Remembers (B-7) Blueprint for Progress (P-5 or P-91) Please help by sharing 200-400 words each about how any of these individual pieces helped you, or by asking members in your Area to do so. Please see the writing guideline at: You can submit your sharing online at: Or you can mail it to AFG, 1600 Corporate Landing Parkway, Virginia Beach, VA 23454-5617, Attention: "CAL Corner" Or you can email it to wso@al‑ with "CAL Corner" in the subject line.

12 Stepper Newsletter now available

The 12 Stepper newsletter, Fall 2022 Issue, is now available online.

The 12 Stepper is the newsletter of the Northern California World Service Area (NCWSA). A free copy of the Spring and Fall issues are mailed to all Al-Anon Family Groups (AFG) registered with NCWSA, and to the Delegate, NCWSA officers, coordinators, liaisons and district representatives (DRs). 

A limited number of copies are shared with other AFG areas across the country; all others are sold on a subscription basis. A subscription form is included on page 41 of this issue. Typically, each issue is published shortly after the NCWSC meetings held in February and May, and after the NCWSA Fall Assembly.

Auburn Gold Rush Speaker Meeting 9/12

Auburn Gold Rush Al-Anon group will be hosting their monthly speaker meeting on Monday, September 9th at 7:00 pm. See the flyer here for details on how to join this online event. 

Zoom ID: 659 316 3164 Passcode: auburn

This month attendees will hear Magdalena from Washington state. She is a past Al-Anon Delegate and also spoke at the International Convention in Vancouver a few years back. Her story and message are wonderful! If you have heard her or if you haven’t, you will want to attend this event. 

Intergroup Volunteers needed

The Al-Anon Information Services D6-10 Intergroup is looking for volunteers to fill the duties of open positions. The terms of new positions opening in January are 3 years (it goes by fast!). Terms for open positions vary. A flyer regarding this announcement can be found here

Requirements for each position can be found in the Useful Stuff page of this website under Documents > Intergroup Position Guidelines.

Currently open:

  • Newsletter Editor
  • AIS Phone Coordinator
  • Alternate Website Coordinator

Open in January 2023:

  • Intergroup Chairperson
  • Secretary
  • Public Outreach Coordinator

New Conference Approved Literature price increase, order form

As previously announced, the WSO mentioned a price increase earlier this month. The D6-10 website now reflects the new form, but in pdf and in excel. 

Members may email an order to the AIS D6-10 book center at or place an order by phone on Wednesdays or Thursdays at (916) 334-2970. Members are not required to use the order form to place an order. Simply email a list of the materials and item number. A volunteer will contact you to confirm your order. 

For pdf version of the order form, click here
For excel file of the form, click here

The Forum submissions requested

The message below is from World Service Office requesting sharings for future issues of The Forum literature. Writing about your expereince, strength and hope from Al-Anon literature is a great way to give others a perspective they may not have considered. Read on... Submissions are requested no later than Septemeber 12.

          From WSO, Tom Coffey:

I know I already mentioned in the August update which literature we need sharings about for future "CAL Corner" articles in The Forum, but let me emphasize that I really need sharings about the following CAL by no later than September 12:
  • Intimacy in Alcoholic Relationships (B-33)
  • From Survival to Recovery (B-21)
  • Lois Remembers (B-7)
  • Blueprint for Progress (P-5 or P-91)

Please help by sharing 200-400 words each about how any of these individual pieces helped you, or by asking members in your Area to do so. Please see the writing guideline at: 

You can submit your sharing online at:

Or you can mail it to AFG, 1600 Corporate Landing Parkway, Virginia Beach, VA 23454-5617, Attention: "CAL Corner"

Or you can email it to wso@al‑ with "CAL Corner" in the subject line.

Many, many thanks for your help,

AIS Intergroup Service Positions

Your AIS Intergroup is looking for volunteers to fill a few positions at this time and in the upcoming year, 2023.

Currently Open August 2022:
Newsletter Editor: Request articles and edit monthly newsletter
Phone Coordinator: Schedule volunteers to cover the Al-Anon phone line after-hours
Website Alternate Coordinator: Be and do all things internet for AIS website under the direction of the Website Coordinator

Will Be Needed in January 2023
Chairperson: Manage the activities of AIS/lntergroup
Secretary: Keep written minutes of meetings of AIS/Intergroup
Public Outreach (PO) Coordinator: Support District PO Coordinators, manage public outreach events across districts
Spring Fling Coordinator: Coordinate with AA Spring Fling Committee, manage Al-Anon participation at Spring Fling event

All positions include training and assistance during the transition period. Most positions allow for creativity and freedom to manage as the volunteer would like as long as the duties are met. There are guidelines for each position posted on the website. Check them out here

D9 Workshop: Forgiveness (11/12/22)

District 9 will be hosting a workshop on the topic of forgiveness on Saturday, November 9 from 11 am -1 pm. This event is being held both in-person and virtually on Zoom. Here are the location details:

Light of the Hills Church - Education Building, 3100 Rodeo Rd., Cameron Park

Zoom Meeting ID: 814 5920 2108, Passcode: D9rocks!

Here is a flyer if District or Group reps would like to print them for Al-Anon members. 

New Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual


Al-Anon and Alateen Members,

We are excited to announce that the 2022-2025 Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual (P-24/27) v2 is available on the website in English, French, and Spanish, and we invite you to replace your v1 electronic copy with v2!

V2 includes the changes that the 2022 World Service Conference approved. V2 is at the printer and we anticipate it will be available in print before the end of the year.


        Al-Anon World Service Office 

Support Requested

Dear Al-Anon, 

There a few meetings in our area requesting support from existing and new Al-Anon members. Please see the attached flyer for the Tuesday night Freedom From The Past meeting here and the Wednesday night Men's meeting here

Auburn Gold Rush monthly speaker meeting

The Auburn Gold Rush monthly speaker will be hosted Monday, August 8 at 7:00 pm. See the attached flyer for more details. 

Freedom from the Past Al-Anon Adult Children mtg

Freedom from the Past Al-Anon Adult Children meeting is held on Tuesdays from 7:00-8:30 pm at Journey Church, 450 Blue Ravine Road, Room K, Folsom, CA. 

An information flyer can be found here

AIS Book Center Now Open

Our local Book Center is open Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm at 5429 Palm Drive in Sacramento. Al-Anon literature is available to purchase for walk-in customers. 

You can also order in advance for pickup or mail service by emailing your order to: Include your name and phone number. A team member will call you to confirm the order. 

Payment may be made with a credit card at time of order confirmation or a check at pick-up. 

Feel free to use the Literature Order Form by clicking here or just email a list of items needed. 


If you have questions, please call (916) 334-2970. Please note the 24-hour phone service volunteers are not equipped to take book orders.

D9 Summer Day in Al-Anon

District 9 is hosting a Summer Day in Al-Anon speaker meeting event on Saturday, July 23 at 11:00 am. The event will be held at Pollock Pines Community Church, 6361 Pony Express Trail in Pollock Pines. The attached flyer has more details on the speakers and event. 

Unity Day - AA Event with Al-Anon Participation

Unity Day An AA-Sponsored event with Al-Anon participation takes place on Saturday, July 16 from 10 am to 8 pm. The event will be hosted at Auburn Grace Community Church, 3126 Olympic Way in Auburn. Fellowship, speakers, dinner, and raffle are included. 

The flyer can be found here

Auburn Gold Rush Speaker Meeting (tonight)

The Auburn Gold Rush monthly speaker meeting is hosting Mary Pearl tonight at 7:00. Flyer is attached here

Zoom ID: 659 316 3164
Password: auburn

District7 Speaker Meeting July 23

District7 is hosting the quarterly Speaker Meeting on Saturday, July 23 at 7:00 pm. The event will be held both in person and on the Zoom video app. The in person event is at Our Lady of the Assumption church on the corner of Walnut Ave and Cottage Way in Carmichael. The virtual meeting details can be found in the event flyer

Please note week of 6/20 meeting changes Roseville Baptist Church

Please note the following meeting changes the week of June 20 at Roseville Baptist Church due to church schedule changes:

Tuesday 6/21 Serenity Steppers will meet at an alternate location: James W. Walish Park, 1351 Junction Blvd, Roseville in the grassy area close to the bathrooms

Friday 6/24 Stepping Stones will not meet

These changes are for 1 week only and will resume their regular meeting locations the following week and ongoing. 

Alateen Meetings as of June 2022

One of the ways teens learn about Alateen is when we announce the availability of in-person Alateen meetings. A flyer showing in-person Alateen meetings is attached. Please share the flyer in meetings you attend.


During this time, distance does not seem to be a barrier to teens finding in-person Alateen meetings. Teens have traveled from Yuba City, Auburn, Elk Grove and West Sacramento to attend Alateen.


If the flyer is printed, please print "two-sided." The back of the flyer has questions for teens to help them decide whether Alateen might help.

The latest Alateen meeting flyer is available. Please check it out >>> here

Auburn Gold Rush Speaker Mtg June 13 (virtual)

The Auburn Gold Rush speaker meeting will meet on Monday, June 13 at 7:00 pm. See the attached flyer for details on the speaker and how to join online. 

D6 Writing Workshop

District 6 is hosting a writing workshop on Saturday, June 11th from 1 – 2:30 p.m. See the attached flyer for more details and the Zoom meeting login information. 

Announcement about the AIS Bookstore

Updated information about our local Al-Anon Information Service and AIS Book Center Re-opening. AIS has a tentative opening date for the book center at 5429 Palm Drive in Sacramento. 

Literature will be available to purchase for walk-in customers and pickup or mail service starting on July 6, 2022. The book center will be open on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10am - 2pm. From June 1 to July 6, 2022, curbside and mail order service continue to be available.

To order in advance for pick-up, please email literature orders to the
office: Include your name and phone
number. A team member will call you to confirm the order and
arrange a pick-up time. Payment may be made with a credit card at
time of order confirmation or a check at pick-up. Feel free to use the Literature Order Form by clicking here or just email a list of items needed. If you place your order on a day other than Wednesday or Thursday, you’ll get a call the following Wednesday.

Even though the AIS office will have limited hours, Al-Anon Information Service is available 24-hours a day by calling (916) 334‑2970. The available services include:
  • Helping members find Al-Anon meetings including online, phone, hybrid, and in-person meetings.
  • Maintaining and updating local website with current Al-Anon meeting information.
  • Connecting those concerned about someone else’s drinking with Al-Anon members able to take outreach calls.
  • Providing information to professionals and the public about how Al-Anon can help people concerned about someone else’s drinking.
Please note the 24-hour phone service volunteers are not equipped
to take book orders.

In addition, a great way to stay connected is to visit our local website at:

AIS Bookstore Closed Memorial Day weekend

Please be aware the AIS bookstore on Palm Dr in Sacramento will be closed for the Memorial Day weekend holiday. Operations will resume on Wednesday, June 1, 2022. 

Meeting change: Circle of Hope

Vaca Valley Alano Club formerly hosted Stable Beginning Al-Anon Family Group on Tuesday mornings at 8:30. The group changed the meeting day and time and got a new name! The Circle of Hope group now meets on Fridays 5:30 - 6:30 pm at the same address: 

Vaca Valley Alano Club

106 Peabody Rd

Vacaville, CA 95687 

New Men's Virtual Mtg

The Wednesday Night Men's meeting at American River Alano Club has returned to in person meeting. A new virtual meeting has opened to continue the virtual setting. The meeting is held on Wednesday night 6:30 - 7:30 on Zoom. The ID is 599 816 0287 and the passcode is Recovery. 

Alateen Sponsors' R&R Weekend 2022

See the attached flyer here for details about the upcoming Alateen Sponsors' R&R weekend in Sept 2022. 

Alateen Express Newsletter

The Spring 2022 Edition of the Alateen Express newsletter can be found here

Auburn Gold Rush Speaker Meeting May 9

Auburn Gold Rush Speaker Meeting is held the 2nd Monday monthly at 7:00 pm. This is a zoom hosted event. 

Join this month to hear Experience, Strength, and Hope from Renee in New Zealand. See the attached flyer for details. 

Employment Opportunity: Al-Anon Associate Director-International

There is an exciting job opportunity posted at the Al-Anon World Service Office level in Virginia Beach, VA. Read on for more information... 

The WSO has begun its search to fill the position of Associate Director-International.  For this role, we are seeking a member who has been active in Al-Anon service for the last six to eight years and has served beyond the group level. Perhaps this role might be what your Higher Power has in mind for you or someone in your Area.

The Associate Director-International leads the World Service Office (WSO) efforts to develop and implement plans and programs to serve Al-Anon Family Groups in countries without a service structure as well as to meet the needs of evolving structures and General Service Offices (GSOs). The Associate Director also manages the International Team, ensuring the principles of the Twelve Concepts of Service are applied to create an atmosphere of trust and to offer principle-based support to members across the worldwide fellowship. 

If the opportunity to work with international representatives who carry the message of hope to families and friends of alcoholics across the globe speaks to you or brings to mind someone you know, you would provide a great service to the worldwide fellowship if you would share this job description.  

We are excited to work with someone who is passionate about building relationships, implementing plans, managing, and empowering others to carry the message of Al-Anon Family Groups across the globe. Someone seeking the opportunity to make a difference as described in this excerpt from the book When I Got Busy, I Got Better (P-78), page 34: 

"My picture of Lois also reminds me of a simple truth that I often overlook: Our program exists only because of the thousands of members like Lois who have been willing to serve others. Al-Anon is literally comprised of service: Without it, there would be no fellowship. Because no meeting takes place without it, service must be acknowledged as one of the cornerstones of Al-Anon. Every day that I attend a meeting or make contact with Al-Anon, I am benefiting from a long and continuous line of service extending back as far as Lois.  

"Isaac Newton said of his life and work that, if he had seen so far, it was "by standing on the shoulders of giants." Perhaps we in this program should adapt his reflection and acknowledge that, if in Al-Anon we have seen so far, it is because we have all stood on the shoulders of those who have prepared the way for us. 

"Participating in service has clearly demonstrated to me some of the day-to-day reality of recovery in Al-Anon stretching back over the last half-century; it has given me a sense that there is lasting hope in the world and that I can make a difference in preserving and imparting a continuing sense of positive achievement. "

As our link to the Areas, groups, and trusted servants across the WSC Structure, we ask you to please help us carry the message to members who might be qualified and interested. If possible, extend a personal invitation for them to talk to their Sponsor and Higher Power, and if they feel called, to simply do the footwork and trust the outcome. We welcome the submission of cover letters, including details of Al-Anon service history, and professional resumes at no later than May 13, 2022.  

NCWSA Spring Hybrid Assembly Pre-Registration Form

Spring Hybrid Northern California World Service Area (NCWSA) Assembly meeting pre-registration is now open. Go to the NCWSA website link to complete your registration > here

The event is on May 21, 2022 and will be held at Wyndham Sacramento: 
5321 Date Ave
Sacramento, CA 95841

Pre-Registration must be submitted online or received by mail by May 11. $20 registration fee includes lunch for those attending in-person. 

You might ask, What is an Area Assembly meeting?  The Area Assembly is the business meeting where the groups send their representatives to express a voice and vote on behalf of the group. During an Assembly, the Delegate reports the activities of the World Service Conference. This is an exciting time to meet other group reps and their alternates while seeing how the business behind Al-Anon works. Discuss with your group rep if you are interested in attending. Or reach out to your district rep for questions. 

Member Shares Request

The World Service Office literature team wants members to submit written shares about CAL. Read on...

Each month, the "CAL Corner" department in The Forum features members' shares on how a particular piece of Conference Approved Literature has enhanced their recovery. We would like to focus on the following pieces in upcoming issues, but really, really need members' shares about them soon:
Living with Sobriety (P-49)
Reaching for Personal Freedom (P-92)
The Al-Anon Focus (P-45) (celebrating its 45th year in print)

We could also use members' shares about the following:
Many Voices, One Journey (B-31)
How Can I Help My Children? (P-9)
Alateen-a day at a time (B-10)
Alateen-Hope for Children of Alcoholics (B-3)

Please help by sharing 200-400 words each about how any of these individual pieces helped you, or by asking members you know to do so. 

Email these directly to me at by no later than Monday, May 16.

(Tom Coffey, Associate Director-Literature)

Cancelled on Thursday, April 14: Rocklin Reaching Out AFG

On account of a church service the Rocklin Reaching Out AFG meeting has been cancelled on Thursday, April 14th at 7 pm. It will resume again on Thursday, April 21st

D7 Quarterly Speaker Meeting April 23

District-7 will be hosting their quarterly speaker meeting on Saturday, April 23rd. Join the meeting for fun, fellowship, and recover at the Our Lady of Assumption Church located at 5057 Cottage Way (corner of Walnut Ave) in Carmichael. The meeting will also be hosted on Zoom: ID 888 8001 1464, passcode 7. 

The speakers for this event are Ted S. and Beth G. 

This quarter's meeting is hosted by Thursday Night Courage To Change Parents AFG. There will be donation drawing prizes available, too. 

The flyer can be found here

D10 Monthly Speaker Meeting April 16

District-10's monthly speaker meeting is hosted on the 3rd Saturday at 6:00 pm. Join for fun, fellowship, and recovery at the Shepard of the Sierra Presbyterian Church at 5400 Barton Rd in Loomis, CA. 

This month's meeting is hosted by the Higher Power Hour group. 

The speakers for April are Katie B, Craig, and Matt G.

The flyer can be found here

REPOST Service Opportunity: AIS Intergroup Treasurer

AIS Intergroup Districts 6-10 needs a treasurer! The treasurer position is required to be filled for non-profit status and for the Intergroup to continue to function. 


The duties of the treasurer may be found in the linked guidelines document found > here

What can you do? Call, email or text any member of the Intergroup (ask your group rep or district rep for help identifying members). Or email the D6-10 Web Coordinator and you will be connected to the intergroup. 
  • Ask people you know or sponsor in Al-Anon to consider the Treasurer position.
  • Ask then to ask others they know about serving.
  • Personal requests are the most effective means we have of attracting candidates.
We need your help now. Thank you.

Together we can make this happen!

Email and you will be connected to the appropriate contact. 

The monthly Intergroup meeting is hosted on Zoom. Email for the logon information. 


>>> S A V E  T H E  D A T E <<<

The AMIAS Sponsors' R&R Conference will take place September 23 - 25, 2022 at Westminster Woods. This event is for Al-Anon Members Involved in Alateen Service (AMIAS) AND Al-Anon members interested in Alateen service.

This exciting weekend will include workshops, fellowship, hiking, a talent show, and Annual B-17 Required training. 

See the information flyer for details. Contact Julie E., Alateen Coordinator at

Rocklin Reachin Out - WE ARE BACK!

The Rocklin Reaching Out meeting is up and running again in person on Thursday evenings from 7-8 pm. 

Location: St. Augustine Episcopal Church, 1800 Wildcat Blvd, Rocklin

Meeting Format: This is a book study meeting, reading out of the book, "Reaching Out for Personal Freedom". 

All are welcome to share their experience, strength & hope. The details can also be found in the attached flyer.

Auburn Gold Rush Monthly Speaker Meeting April 11, 2022

Auburn Gold Rush AFG will be hosting the monthly speaker meeting on Monday, April 11, 2022.

Kathy H from Cincinnati will be our speaker - if you have not head her speak before, you won’t want to miss this. If you have heard her speak -of course you will want to come again for more!

We encourage all members to attend - Roomies & Zoomies. This is a great recovery tool!

The details can be found in the attached flyer found > here

Service Opportunity: AIS Intergroup Treasurer

AIS Intergroup Districts 6-10 needs a treasurer! The treasurer position is required to be filled for non-profit status and for the Intergroup to continue to function. 


The duties of the treasurer may be found in the linked guidelines document found > here

What can you do? Call, email or text any member of the Intergroup (ask your group rep or district rep for help identifying members).
  • Ask people you know or sponsor in Al-Anon to consider the Treasurer position.
  • Ask then to ask others they know about serving.
  • Personal requests are the most effective means we have of attracting candidates.
We need your help now. Thank you.

Together we can make this happen!

Email and you will be connected to the appropriate contact. 

The monthly Intergroup meeting is hosted on Zoom. Email for the logon information. 

AIS Treasurer position open

An updated the AIS/Intergroup Treasurer position guideline has been posted > click here.

Please review if you are interested in the position or forward it to anyone you feel may be considering the position. Perhaps a member of your group, a sponsee, or your sponsor?

We hope to have at least one qualified candidate stand at the 3/9 AIS/Intergroup meeting.

The position is currently open as the former treasurer stepped down for rotation of service tradition. It needs to be filled ASAP.

Alateen Service

Interested in becoming an AMIAS (Al-Anon Member Involved in Alateen Service)? Consider attending an AMIAS Round Table meeting. More details in the flyer

Please RSVP in advance.

AIS Service Opportunity: Treasurer

Attention Al-Anon and Alateen members in Districts 6 - 10,

    Your service is needed to fill the Treasurer service position immediately. The position is part of your Intergroup serving the business side of the Al-Anon Family Groups functions. Do you or anyone you know, maybe your sponsor or sponsee, have a background in financial reporting? Or even just a curiosity about how the finance side of our group operates? Email D6 - 10 ( and you will be put in touch with the AIS officers. 

The Treasurer role is required for our intergroup to continue operating as a non-profit group. The intergroup is at risk without a treasurer. 

More details are in the attached position guidelines document found -> here.

Share Alateen Meeting Info

One of the ways for teens to learn about Alateen is to announce during our Al-Anon meetings the availability of Alateen meetings. The attached flyer may be shared with group members about three in-person Alateen meetings open in Districts 6-10. 

See the flyer >> here.

During this time, distance does not seem to be a barrier to teens finding in-person Alateen meetings. Teens have traveled from Elk Grove and West Sacramento to attend meetings.

If the flyer is printed, please print "two-sided." The back of the flyer has questions for teens to help them decide whether Alateen might help.

Spring Fling Info: Not Hybrid

Apologies for short notice, the 2022 Spring Fling Committee has voted to NOT host Zoom meetings for all of the scheduled main speaker meetings.  Thus, the event will not be hosted as a hybrid meeting. 

Since low turnout is anticipated this year, to help keep the costs down, the committee decided to omit all main speaker meetings via Zoom platform (i.e. hybrid).

D8 Soup, Etc. Meeting on Saturday, January 29 1:00 - 3:00 pm

District 8 will be hosting their annual fundraising event Soup, Etc. on Saturday, January 29 from 1:00 - 3:00 pm. This is an online event. Zoom ID: 499 349 7231 password: Serenity

The attached flyer has additional details. 

D7 Quarterly Speaker Meeting Saturday, January 22

The quarterly speaker meeting hosted by D7 will be held Saturday, January 22 at 7:00 pm. This is a hybrid format meeting in person at Our Lady of the Assumption Church on Cottage Way in Carmichael and on zoom. 

Please see the attached flyer for more information including the location details and speaker names. 


Our Lady of the Assumption Church in St. John Hall

5057 Cottage Way, Carmichael 95608

(Corner of Cottage and Walnut. Easier to find St. John Hall if you enter church parking lot from Walnut Ave.)

Masks Must Be Worn!!


or url or dial (669) 900-6844

Meeting ID: 886 8001 1464, passcode: 7

Seventh Tradition Donations Accepted:

At the door: Suggested $5 or Venmo @d7donation (verification phone #4376) or

Mail: Checks Payable to District 7 c/o AIS Office, 5429 Palm Ave, Suite A,, Sacramento, CA 95841

AA Assembly with Al-Anon Participation in Oregon

The Pacific Region AA Service Assembly with Al-Anon participation will be held March 4-6, 2022 in Clackamas, Oregon. Registration deadline is February 20th. 

This is a virtual event. See the attached flyer to register.  

Spring Fling COVID Vaccine/Negative Test requirement dropped

Per the Spring Fling planning committee, the COVID Vaccine or negative test evidence requirement has been dropped:

"Last evening the committee came to the decision that the attendance for the conference this year will be less than 1,000 at one time. As such, the requirement for Proof of Vaccination has been removed. The indoor mask mandate will remain in effect. As it is in these times, this is always subject to change per the State and County mandates."

Please check back here for new information as this event start approaches. 

Spring Fling Donation Drawing Baskets Needed

Any groups who would like to donate a donation drawing basket for the Spring Fling event may contact Jan R immediately for pick-up, (530) 906-5911.

Donation drawing baskets may be focused on recovery and include Al-Anon literature or of any theme the group decides.