Welcome to our website!
We serve Al-Anon members in Northern California Districts 6 - 10. Our districts serve the following counties: Amador, El Dorado, parts of Napa, Nevada, Placer, Sacramento, Sierra, Solano, and Yolo.
(Select your preferred language in the right column.) (Puede seleccionar el espaƱol en la columna de la derecha.)

NCWSA Diversity Day 10/8/22

Mark your calendars!! Northern California World Service Area is hosting their annual Diversity Day event on October 8. This virtual event will host panelist, workshops, and speakers sharing information and experience, strength, and hope regarding diversity topics. 

District 7's very own Gerald C. will serve on a panel for the event. 

For more information see the attached flyer here. You may also contact Grant W. at to serve at this event or with questions. 

Registration opens at 9:30, speakers wrap up at 5:45. 

Zoom ID: 851 6338 8651 passcode: 656443

The Forum newsletter submissions until 9/12

The Forum newsletter is still looking for Al-Anon member submissions. It was mentioned in the August update which literature sharings are needed for future "CAL Corner" articles in The Forum by no later than September 12: Intimacy in Alcoholic Relationships (B-33) From Survival to Recovery (B-21) Lois Remembers (B-7) Blueprint for Progress (P-5 or P-91) Please help by sharing 200-400 words each about how any of these individual pieces helped you, or by asking members in your Area to do so. Please see the writing guideline at: You can submit your sharing online at: Or you can mail it to AFG, 1600 Corporate Landing Parkway, Virginia Beach, VA 23454-5617, Attention: "CAL Corner" Or you can email it to wso@al‑ with "CAL Corner" in the subject line.

12 Stepper Newsletter now available

The 12 Stepper newsletter, Fall 2022 Issue, is now available online.

The 12 Stepper is the newsletter of the Northern California World Service Area (NCWSA). A free copy of the Spring and Fall issues are mailed to all Al-Anon Family Groups (AFG) registered with NCWSA, and to the Delegate, NCWSA officers, coordinators, liaisons and district representatives (DRs). 

A limited number of copies are shared with other AFG areas across the country; all others are sold on a subscription basis. A subscription form is included on page 41 of this issue. Typically, each issue is published shortly after the NCWSC meetings held in February and May, and after the NCWSA Fall Assembly.

Auburn Gold Rush Speaker Meeting 9/12

Auburn Gold Rush Al-Anon group will be hosting their monthly speaker meeting on Monday, September 9th at 7:00 pm. See the flyer here for details on how to join this online event. 

Zoom ID: 659 316 3164 Passcode: auburn

This month attendees will hear Magdalena from Washington state. She is a past Al-Anon Delegate and also spoke at the International Convention in Vancouver a few years back. Her story and message are wonderful! If you have heard her or if you haven’t, you will want to attend this event. 

Intergroup Volunteers needed

The Al-Anon Information Services D6-10 Intergroup is looking for volunteers to fill the duties of open positions. The terms of new positions opening in January are 3 years (it goes by fast!). Terms for open positions vary. A flyer regarding this announcement can be found here

Requirements for each position can be found in the Useful Stuff page of this website under Documents > Intergroup Position Guidelines.

Currently open:

  • Newsletter Editor
  • AIS Phone Coordinator
  • Alternate Website Coordinator

Open in January 2023:

  • Intergroup Chairperson
  • Secretary
  • Public Outreach Coordinator