Welcome to our website!
We serve Al-Anon members in Northern California Districts 6 - 10. Our districts serve the following counties: Amador, El Dorado, parts of Napa, Nevada, Placer, Sacramento, Sierra, Solano, and Yolo.
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AIS D6-10 Bookstore Holiday hours

AIS D6-10 Bookstore Holiday Hours
11/20 -11/26 Thanksgiving week CLOSED 

11/30-12/1 Open Wed and Thursday 10-2
12/7-12/8 Open Wed and Thursday 10-2
12/14-12/15 Open Wed and Thursday 10-2

12/16-1/3/2023 CLOSED For Holidays and Inventory

Regular Bookstore hours resume on January 4, 2023.
Wednesdays and Thursdays 10am - 2pmDonn

Happy Holidays from the AIS Office