Welcome to our website!
We serve Al-Anon members in Northern California Districts 6 - 10. Our districts serve the following counties: Amador, El Dorado, parts of Napa, Nevada, Placer, Sacramento, Sierra, Solano, and Yolo.
(Select your preferred language in the right column.) (Puede seleccionar el espaƱol en la columna de la derecha.)

District 8 Soup, Etc. Fundraiser Event

Please see - > FLIER for more information

District 7 Holiday Meeting Schedule

Check for District 7 meetings falling on Thursday and Friday this week and next week. Some are meeting, while others are not. Note there is a Holiday meeting column on the meeting schedule or you can look at the attached flier.

District 10 Holiday Meeting Update

Here is a list of District 10 AFG meetings known to be either closed or open on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year's Eve, and New Year's Day.  (click on "read more")

District 10 Special Speaker Meeting

 This month the District 10 Speaker Meeting has special guest speakers from Australia and New Zealand.  Details in ---->  FLIER

NCWSA Service Opportunities

The attachment has a list of open service positions at the Northern CA World Service Area Al-Anon level. Feel free to browse and share with others. These positions are above the group-level, district-level and Area Intergroup-level. They represent a great way to continuing growing your service experience in Al-Anon. 

~Remember, we can't keep it unless we give it away! 

Letter from the Board Chair

Here is the recent letter from the Chairperson of Al-Anon's Board of Trustees to the membership.  Find out what's going on with our Al-Anon top leadership. 


Alateen Zoom Meetings

These meetings are not local, but with Zoom, they might as well be.
Click on the list to see the list ---->  ALATEEN MEETINGS

Is My Meeting Open on Thanksgiving, or the Friday After?

   Thanksgiving week some groups will not meet on Thursday and Friday. To find whether your group is meeting, check our online meeting schedule by clicking here. The column marked “H*” shows groups that meet on holidays (Y), those that do not (N) and those that are unknown (?).

Al-Anon Billboard !

 Carrying the message!   You can see this new billboard display on westbound I-80.

W.S.O. Town Hall Coming Our Way

On "12/12@12" there will be an on-line Town Hall Meeting between members of Al-Anon's World Service Committee members and Al-Anon members in Northern California.  Find out what's going on and get answers to questions from people who know.
More information here ---> SAVE THE DATE FLIER

District 9 Writing Workshop

November 15, 1:00 - 3:00PM
on line meeting
details in ---->  FLIER

Roseville Anniversary Speaker Meeting

Roseville Sunday night Al-Anon and AA
Annual Anniversary Speaker meeting
Nov. 8, on-line   details in ----> FLIER

District 7 Speaker Meeting (online)

DISTRICT 7 ZOOM SPEAKER MEETING -- A Lifetime of Love, Hope, and Recovery

Speakers:            Betty L. (Al-Anon) and Loyd L. (A.A.)

Saturday, October 24, 2020, 7:00 PM

Zoom Meeting ID: 886 8001 1464, Internet Passcode: hope


Dial-in (669) 900-6833, Meeting ID: 886 8001 1464, Dial-in Passcode: 126020

Technical question? Call or text Ross V at 916-591-9637 or email

 Details in flier ----> D7spkrMtg

District 10 Speaker Meeting

 online event
details in ----> FLIER

AIS Board Looking for a Few New Members

 We have openings covering a broad range of callings.  If you are not able do this right now, do you know some who would be good?  Does one of your sponsee(s) need a service opportunity?  The positions are listed in our ----> FLIER

“When I got busy, I got better.” Al-Anon works when we do our part!

August Intergroup Minutes

Approved minutes of the most recent Intergroup Meeting

Going HYBRID ?

 from our WSC Delegate, Rosanna:

Hi family,
As some CA(N) meetings become hybrid (meeting face to face and virtually) there are restrictions that need to be followed,
Below is the WSO's position on what to do if a group was registered as a temporary electronic meeting (TEM) but is now hybrid. In short, if a group is partially face to face and partially online, the group cannot be listed as a TEM on the WSO website meeting list.  The group would need to take action to remove their temporarily electronic status.  If the group did not register as a TEM, nothing needs to be done as far as the WSO's meeting list is concerned.
Note:  your group is not a TEM unless your GR sent a special form to WSO to register it as such.  Being on the Sacramento Area list of virtual meetings does not make it a TEM.

Latest Share and Care Newsletter

 Al-Anon news for the Sacramento area
View / download ---->   SHARE & CARE

Share & Care Submission Schedule

 September 2020 Share & Care newsletter items are needed by Thursday, August 27. The submission schedule for 2020 is HERE.

Please let members in your Al-Anon groups know their stories of “Experience, Strength, and Hope" are welcome. I am looking for shares about their journey in Al-Anon. Al-Anon related drawings, poems, and cartoons. Also, pieces of Al-Anon wisdom or humor for all to ponder during these interesting times are welcome.

Feel free to submit updated Al-Anon service flyers. Al-Anon member sharings, along with event flyers, district reports, and information from AIS coordinators and officers can be sent to

Reduced Shipping on LIterature

From W.S.O.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, many groups are not meeting in person.  Therefore, it has become difficult for members to obtain literature through traditional methods. In an effort to enhance the affordability of literature for members, the flat rate shipping cost of $10 has been reduced to $5 for individual orders under $50 in the US/Puerto Rico/Bermuda.  This special shipping rate will be available for a limited time.   Shop for Literature

District 9 Speaker Meeting

September 4, 6pm    details in FLIER 

New Al-Anon APP Available

For your smart phone there are a number of APPs that have "Al-Anon" in their name, but now there is one that is developed and maintained by Al-Anon World Service Organization.  Here's a flier with information:  Al-Anon APP

Intergroup Meeting, Wed. 8/12

All Al-Anon members in Districts 6 through 10 (Sacramento Area) are invited to join this meeting.   Here's the agenda ---> AGENDA

...and here's the log-in information: (click on "read more")

District 10 Speaker Meeting

Meeting time changed to 7pm 
Zoom meeting
Details in flier --->  Dist 10 Spkr Mtg

District 7 Speaker Meeting

Saturday, July 25
details in ----> FLIER

Woodland Parents Mtg. Change

The Woodland Parents A.F.G. will have their last Zoom meeting on July 3.  Face-to-face (mask-to-mask) meetings will be held on THURSDAYS from 6:30-7:30pm. The location is the large main room next to Timothy's Bakery at: 
 418 B Main St, Woodland, CA, 95695  (Back alley entrance)
 Social distancing and masks are required.

Post Your Electronic Events

If you are in District 6 through 10, and want to post your upcoming Al-Anon event on this website's calendar, send an Email with your information (it does not have to be a flier) to:

To put the event on the Northern California Al-Anon website calendar, send an Email with the information to:

Donate Online or by Check: A.I.S., NCWSA, WSO

Click on the link below for URLs & addresses

District 10 Speaker Meeting (on line)

June 20, 6:00 to 8:00pm
Updated flier ---> 2020JunD10spkrMtg

Donate with Credit Card

You can now make a donation to AIS here on this site, and charge it to ANY CREDIT CARD, or Google Pay.  You can donate as an anonymous individual, group, or district, and you will get an immediate receipt by Email.  Show your support.  Help us get through this pandemic; any amount is helpful.  You can also donate by check.   GO TO THE DONATION PAGE
Note:  For 2020 the CARES Act allows a deduction of up to $300 of charitable donations FOR THOSE WHO DON'T ITEMIZE DEDUCTIONS.  Your donation to AIS is deductible.

Together We Can Make It

Message from Burt P, AIS/Intergroup Chair
Relating to the effects of COVID-19 on Al-Anon Information Service --
read / download the document ---> TOGETHERweCAN

Open Positions at Intergroup

Intergroup is the managing entity for the Sacramento Al-Anon Information Service.  Participation in Intergroup is excellent 12th Step Work.  We carry the message.
Here are the current open positions as of 6-11-20 ---> OPEN POSITIONS

Unity Day

Saturday June 20
This is a Zoom meeting this year!
Details in flier ----> 2020UnityDay

A.I.S. Office CLOSED

Due Covid-19 we have closed the Al-Anon Book Center in Sacramento for the time being.  We will continue to monitor the situation and will open after meetings have begun to meet again and it is safe.   

You may order literature directly from the World Service Organization in Virginia. Allow 3-4 weeks for delivery. Go to  to order from their website.  Shipping charges apply, credit card only.

June Share & Care Newsletter

some important messages
Read the latest issue --->June 2020 Share & Care

District 9 Zoom Speaker Meeting

YOU are invited to our District 9 Speaker Meeting…

Friday evening, June 5, 2020, 7:00 PM (Pacific)

Invite your fellow Al-Anon members and new members as well! Pass it on

Meeting ID: 854 4855 1423 
Password: d9rocks
Details in flier ---> 2020JunD9spkrMtg

Rocklin Meeting Remains on Hold

The Rocklin Reaching Out meeting, in Rocklin at 7:00pm remains "postponed until further notice", contrary to possible rumors that it had started up again.

A.I.S. Office / Bookstore Closed

The office is closed but still doing business via phone and email.  Phone and overnight phone support is still available 24/7. You can connect with us anytime at 916 334-2970 or

District 10 Speaker Meeting (Zoom)

Saturday May 16, 6:00pm -- on line
Details in flier ---> 2020MayD10spkrMtg

District 7 Speaker Meeting Online

District 7 Quarterly Speaker Meeting, April 25, 2020, 7pm. Speakers:  Dan G and Deborah
 Access by:
1) app: mobile device or computer, enter meeting ID 329 087 827 (no password);
2); or
3) phone: (669) 900-6833, when prompted enter 329 087 827# (alternate phone numbers (253) 215‑8782 or (312) 626‑6799 and enter meeting ID, above).
 Suggested 7th Tradition Donation: $5.  Checks made payable to:  District 7
Please mail to: District 7, C/O AIS Office, 5429 Palm Ave. Suite A, Sacramento, CA 95841

Dist. 10 Speaker Meeting goes On-Line in May

District 10 monthly speaker meetings have gone on-line temporarily, and also have changed the regular meeting time.  It is now held on the third SATURDAY of each month, from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM.   Here are the meeting details ---->  FLIER

Virtual is its Own Reward

Is your home group meeting "virtually" during the pandemic?  In Districts 6-10 there are now 62 groups meeting at their regular time by electronic means, mostly Zoom.  We have a list of them on or Find a Meeting page.  If your meeting has gone virtual, and you are not on the list, send your information by e-mail to d610webcoord[at]gmail[dot]com.  If your home group is not meeting at all, use the list to go to some different meetings, right from your favorite easy chair.

Virtual Day in Al-Anon

District 16 is hosting a Virtual Day-In-Al-Anon -- a Zoom meeting on April 18.  Normally we don't post events outside of Districts 6-10, but since it's an on-line event, distance is not an issue.  Here's the flier ---> Day_In_Al-Anon 
Note that the events each have their own meeting ID

On-Line AMIAS Training

There are two scheduled AMIAS training sessions that will be held on-line.  This is the training you need to be an Al-Anon Member In Alateen Service.  Details are available on calendar dates April 8 and April 11, at the NCWSA website:  with the title "B17 Training".

Electronic Literature

During the pandemic "shutdown" it may be convenient to make use of the "electronic" Al-Anon literature that is available.  Check out what is available in the ATTACHED PDF FILE.

Deadline -- March 26

Deadline to submit announcements or shares of experience, strength and hope to the Share and Care newsletter is March 26.  How are you applying the program to the pandemic situation?  What is your group doing?  Submit your share by email to:   Share and Care Editor

Change in Notifications

Because of the statewide "shelter in place" order, our "Find a Meeting" page is now going to be used to inform you of all the ON-LINE meetings that are set up by registered meetings to be held at the same time as their regular meetings.  As of this writing we have 8 on-line meetings set up.  Let us know if you have one that is not on the list.    CHECK OUT THE LIST

What About "Zoom Meetings"?

From WSO as of 3/19/20: 

1. WSO Prefers that members use the over 300 electronic meetings available through
2. If meetings in local areas are setting up Zoom meetings etc - they must be set up at the same time and day as the regularly scheduled face-to-face meeting.
3. Once the electronic meeting has been established - let the DR know and the DR will inform the local AIS office.
4. Local AIS may display the electronic sign in information for meeting that replacing the face-to-face that is already registered with WSO.
5. WSO says that all electronic meetings will stand down once the situation is resolved and return to face-to-face meetings.

To see what on-line meetings are available, go to our Find a Meeting page.

Message from Intergroup

From Burt P, Chairman, A.I.S. Intergroup
Thoughts on COVID-19 – from your local Al-Anon Information Service (Districts 6-10)    ---->  View Document

A.I.S. Office Closure

The AIS Office and Book Store will be closed this week and hours and services will be re-evaluated on a weekly basis.
We will only be accepting literature orders by phone or email. Orders will be taken by phone Monday through Thursday between 10am and 3pm. Please phone 916 334-2970 or email orders to Don't worry if you don't have an order form. We can generate one for you.
Orders will be processed once a week on Thursdays and be shipped on Fridays. Credit card orders only. Do not include credit card info on your email. We will get that from you over the phone. Be sure to include include your name and phone number as well as group name so that we can call you to process the order. 
Thank you for your cooperation and please call with any concerns or questions. 
Be safe and be healthy!
AIS Office Staff
916 334-2970

Notes on Zoom Meetings

Notes made by Jim K. on Zoom (on-line) meetings:
0.  Zoom is not the only service that can be used; there are several others.
1.  Everyone attending the meeting has to have previously installed the Zoom App on their device.  If they have not done so, when they try to join the meeting, Zoom will guide them through the installation process, but it may take a several minutes.
2.  The FREE version of Zoom is limited to 40 minutes duration for a meeting if there are more than 2 people.  They would have to end and start a new meeting every 40 minutes.  The Pro Version meets all our needs but the person who HOSTS the meeting has to sign up to pay $14.95 per month.  The group could reimburse them.

Update on Cancelled Meetings

There is now a table of cancelled meetings on our FIND A MEETING page (black bar at top of page).  There were some additions today, 3/14.

Saturday Serenity El Dorado Hills Mtg Temporarily Suspended

Saturday Serenity AFG which typically meets at Vintage Grace Church, 931 Lassen Lane, El Dorado Hills Saturday mornings at 9:00 am has been temporarily suspended due to current unavailability of facilities resulting from coronavirus/COVID-19 concerns.
Persons interested in attending the 3/21 meeting at an alternate / temporary location please send an email to

Roseville Mon Nite Mtg Suspended

Parents Serenity meeting that meets at the Hillcrest Church, 911 Hillcrest Avenue, Roseville, on Monday night has been suspended until further notice due to coronavirus concerns. They have suspended all gatherings at this location until further notice and that includes the Wednesday noon Parents Seeking Serenity meeting.

Meetings at Kaiser 2829 Watt Ave Cancelled

Meetings at Kaiser 2829 Watt Ave Cancelled
The Thursday Nights Men’s Stag meeting at 7:15pm in Kaiser’s Chemical Dependency and Recovery Program Facility, 2829 Watt Ave, Sacramento has been cancelled until further notice (due to Coronavirus prevention). The facility has cancelled all meetings that involve outside groups.
The Sacramento Serenity on Saturday meeting at 11:00am in Kaiser’s Chemical Dependency and Recovery Program Facility, 2829 Watt Ave, Sacramento has been cancelled until further notice (due to Coronavirus prevention). The facility has cancelled all meetings that involve outside groups.

Sutter Center Meetings Cancelled

The Spring into Recovery meeting on Tuesday nights at Sutter Center for Psychiatry has been cancelled until further notice (due to the Coronavirus.) The facility has cancelled all meetings that involve outside groups.

New Alateen Meeting, Placerville

Thursday Noon Placerville Alateen Meeting
Charter College and Career Prep.
Room 101,
12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m. **
6767 Green Valley Road
Placerville, CA 95667

** Closed during Summer Break

District 10 Business Meeting Cancelled

The District 10 Business Meeting scheduled for March 18 is CANCELLED  based on information received from Placer Health Services.

District 10 Speaker Meeting Cancelled

The District 10 Speaker Meeting for March 15 is cancelled based on information received from Placer Health Services
cancellation flier

March Share & Care

Here's the latest issue of our newsletter for the Sacramento area.
read or download ----> March Share & Care

Newsletter Due Dates

Send your personal shares, announcements, and fliers to the Share & Care Newsletter.  E-mail to Here are the due dates for each issue.