Welcome to our website!
(Select your preferred language in the right column.) (Puede seleccionar el español en la columna de la derecha.)We serve Al-Anon members in Northern California Districts 6 - 10. Our districts serve the following counties: Amador, El Dorado, parts of Napa, Nevada, Placer, Sacramento, Sierra, Solano, and Yolo.
Reminder from NCWSA
The name "Alateen" has a special meaning when used on an event flyer. To Alateen members can imply that the event has an approved Alateen safety plan in place. We are reminded not to distribute or post flyers using the name Alateen unless the safety plan and flyer have been approved by e-mail submission at .
The Last Day Looms
Last day to submit items for the July Share & Care Newsletter is June 27:
💥flyers about upcoming events 💥announcements about your groups/meetings 💥writings and poems from members in your district about their experience, strength, and hope 💥Al-Anon/Alateen-related cartoons and drawings 💥quips of Al-Anon humor and wisdom. e-mail to .
💥flyers about upcoming events 💥announcements about your groups/meetings 💥writings and poems from members in your district about their experience, strength, and hope 💥Al-Anon/Alateen-related cartoons and drawings 💥quips of Al-Anon humor and wisdom. e-mail to .
Spring Fling 2020 Announcement
Service Opportunity !
Spring Fling 2020, Feb. 7 - 9
McClellan Conference Center, 5411 Luce Ave, Sacramento
This is how you can carry the message:
Spring Fling 2020, Feb. 7 - 9
McClellan Conference Center, 5411 Luce Ave, Sacramento
This is how you can carry the message:
Meeting Location Change
"Hope in the Hills"
Thursday nights, 7pm - 8pm
New location starting 6/13/19: St. Stephen’s Church
1001 Olson Lane, El Dorado Hills, in the sanctuary
download the flier ---> 2019JunMtgLocChg
Thursday nights, 7pm - 8pm
New location starting 6/13/19: St. Stephen’s Church
1001 Olson Lane, El Dorado Hills, in the sanctuary
download the flier ---> 2019JunMtgLocChg