Welcome to our website!
We serve Al-Anon members in Northern California Districts 6 - 10. Our districts serve the following counties: Amador, El Dorado, parts of Napa, Nevada, Placer, Sacramento, Sierra, Solano, and Yolo.
(Select your preferred language in the right column.) (Puede seleccionar el espaƱol en la columna de la derecha.)

Request for Share & Care Content

This is a call for April Share & Care newsletter items. Please send your items to by Thursday, March 28.
I’m looking for flyers about upcoming events; announcements about your groups/meetings; writings and poems from members in your district about their experience, strength, and hope; Al-Anon/Alateen-related cartoons and drawings; and Al-Anon humor/wisdom for our Al-Anon Member Humor & Wisdom section in Share & Care.
Thank you to those that already sent items.
Gratitude in Service,
Editor, Share & Care

Phone Volunteers Needed

The Book Center needs volunteers ---> details

March Share & Care

Here's the March 2019 issue of the Al-Anon newsletter for Districts 6 - 10, the Greater Sacramento Area and the I-80 Corridor ---> March Share & Care