Welcome to our website!
We serve Al-Anon members in Northern California Districts 6 - 10. Our districts serve the following counties: Amador, El Dorado, parts of Napa, Nevada, Placer, Sacramento, Sierra, Solano, and Yolo.
(Select your preferred language in the right column.) (Puede seleccionar el espaƱol en la columna de la derecha.)

Intergroup Service Positions Open

There are multiple open positions that YOU are likely a great candidate for filling!  If you are looking for service opportunities, this is the ticket!  For more information click on "Read more" below:

District 10 Speakr Meeting Sep.

Hosted by Truckee A.F.G; since this is a small host group we are asking that everyone consider bringing a snack to share during the fellowship break.
Details in flier ---> 2019sepD10spkrMtg

Volunteers Needed for Spring Fling

Plans are well under way for Spring Fling 2020
More volunteers are needed -- please check out the flier and see if you might be willing and able to help in one of these positions.  ---> 2020SpringFling

District 9 Speaker Meeting

Cameron Park, Sept. 6, 7:00pm   OPEN MAP
speakers, refreshments, fellowship
details in flier --->  2019SepD9SpkrMtg 

Al-Anon Acronyms

WSO, NCWSA, NCWSC, KBDM, etc... new document

August Share & Care Newsletter

Here's the August Newsletter, this month with a supplemental document.  The supplement provides an opportunity to read how our trusted servants got busy and got better. The Share & Care Supplement in a reprint of Share & Care articles published in 2018 about service in Al-Anon and the board members and service coordinators that support our regional Al-Anon Information Service (AIS). Each AIS member and coordinator describes how service has helped with their recovery in Al-Anon. These Al-Anon member stories are quick reads that serve as an inspiration to all of us. 
Please click on both of the links below:
Share & Care Newsletter