Welcome to our website!
We serve Al-Anon members in Northern California Districts 6 - 10. Our districts serve the following counties: Amador, El Dorado, parts of Napa, Nevada, Placer, Sacramento, Sierra, Solano, and Yolo.
(Select your preferred language in the right column.) (Puede seleccionar el espaƱol en la columna de la derecha.)

W.S.O. "at large" Positions Open

Service Opportunities with W.S.O.
Our World Service Organization has some committee member positions that are "at large", meaning that you don't have to travel, and can fulfill the responsibilities of the position from your home.  There are currently some open "at large" positions.  The document at this link provides all the details.

Intergroup Meeting

Wednesday, August 8

District 6 -10 Monthly Intergroup Meeting meets on the second Wednesday of each month, from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM at Saint Marks Methodist Church, 2391 Saint Marks Way, Sacramento, on the second floor of the Education Building (elevator available).

Need directions? ------>  Google Maps

New Literature Available

AIS Book Center is now in stock on the new literature items:

B33 Intimacy in an Alcoholic Relationship  $11.00

P94 Hope & Understanding for Parents& Grandparents  $.75

Also we will have a limited supply of the 50th Anniversary Commemorative  ODAT.  We are now taking preorders.
If you are interested please call the Book Center to reserve a copy for yourself. $15.00
916 334-2970

All prices listed above are before tax and literature fee.

Picnic in the Pines

District 9  Summer Day in Al-Anon --  “A Picnic in the Pines”
6361 Pony Express Trail, Pollock Pines, CA
Saturday, July 28, 2018,  11:00am to 3:00pm
Speakers, Silent Auction / Raffle, Picnic
Potluck -- Please bring a picnic item to share!
$7.00 pre-registration by 7/18,  $10.00 at the door. Hope to see you there!

E-Mail Notifications

You can receive an e-mail whenever we make a new announcement on this site.  Just click on the link in the footer of this page.  You will then receive an e-mail with a link to confirm your subscription.

Have Something for Share & Care?

The deadline for the August issue is July 26.
Share your experience strength and hope, or an event flier, or an announcement.
E-mail to:

District 7 Speaker Meeting

 D7 quarterly speaker meeting 

Saturday, July 21st. 7:00 pm 
St Mark’s Church, 2391 St Mark’s Way, Sacramento
The room is the downstairs basement meeting room under the main sanctuary. This meeting is an ice cream social and members are welcome to bring a snack to share. There will be two great speakers sharing their experience, strength and hope about Al-Anon working in their lives. Don’t forget to bring money for voluntary door donation and tickets for our fabulous donation drawing prizes.

Last Call !

This magazine is for outreach to the public.  It is published once per year.  Order 50 or 100 for your group and place them in the waiting rooms of doctors, lawyers, counselors, hospitals, wherever they can be visible to people who might need the helping hand of Al-Anon and Alateen.
Here's the link to place your order

Last Call for AFA 2019 First Printing Orders

Every issue of the Al-Anon Faces Alcoholism (AFA) magazine’s pages are filled with help and hope for families of alcoholics. AFA tells readers what Al-Anon is, why our program helps and how to contact us for meeting information.

Members and groups can order AFA 2019 first printing copies by July 11, 2018, 5 pm ET. It’s an easy project and easy on the budget.
Order online

Download order form

July Share & Care

Here's the latest issue of our Sacramento Area Al-Anon Newsletter; click the link.

Intergroup Meeting

Wednesday, July 11
District 6 -10 Monthly Intergroup Meeting meets on the second Wednesday of each month, from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM at Saint Marks Methodist Church, 2391 Saint Marks Way, Sacramento, on the second floor of the Education Building (elevator available).
Need directions? ------>  Google Maps